crashbandicootspyro| Non-agricultural data detonates the market! How can investors seize the opportunity?









crashbandicootspyro| Non-agricultural data detonates the market! How can investors seize the opportunity?

  (现货黄金10分钟走势图 来源:易汇通)

  (美元指数10分钟走势图 来源:易汇通)





  分析师Chris Anstey表示,本月的非农数据终于录得了疲软的增长,值得注意的是,在劳动参与率保持稳定的情况下,失业率在上升。非农报告中的工资增长也低于预期,这可能是最大的问题。还要注意的是,对前两个月的修正导致就业人数累计少了22,000人。这是一份全面疲软的报告。在服务业,工资在成本基础中所占的份额更大,理论上收入的放缓应该有助于缓解服务业的价格压力。自2023年年中以来,美联储偏爱的“超级核心”服务业通胀指标(剔除住房因素)一直呈上升趋势,这显然不是美联储想看到的。

  大宗商品分析师Andrea Lisi评4月非农:正如我在鲍威尔主席周三的新闻发布会后所担心的那样,他可能已经知道今天的就业报告将会更加疲软。非农就业人数为17.5万人,而市场普遍预测为24.3万人,平均时薪降至4%以下。





  Interactive Brokers首席策略师Steve Sosnick表示,这是一组对市场非常友好的非农数据,至少在短期内是这样。我们正处在一个坏消息也可能是好消息的时刻。他们所描绘的经济降温正是债券投资者所希望看到的,股市的反应也表明市场立即领会了这一点。从长期来看,我们可以争论这是否标志着经济开始恶化,但这会破坏今天上午的市场狂欢。

  Richard Bernstein Advisors副首席投资官Dan Suzuki:这是一份相当有利于市场的就业报告。这大致表明,就业增长正在温和放缓,但没有崩溃,这有助于降低工资压力。与此同时,制造业的就业和工作时间都很稳定,这表明经济的一部分继续得到坚实的支持。


  分析师Joseph Richter表示,工资数据可能是这份非农报告中最值得关注的数据点。过去三个月,时薪平均增速仅为0.23%,而前三个月为0.4%。工资增长放缓可能是未来几个季度非住房服务通胀数据好转的动力。

Brian Jacobsen, chief economist at Annex Wealth Management, says the labor market has taken a big step towards a better balance. There is nothing wrong with increasing employment by 175000. The danger is that the transition from overheating to room temperature will not stop there, but will become too cold. The risk would be greater if the Fed were still interested in raising interest rates, but it patiently halted the rate hike, keeping the risk of excessive downside in the labour market low.

Priya Misra, a portfolio manager at JPMorgan Asset Management, said the payrolls data "underscored Powell's confidence that monetary policy is restrictive and that labour supply has been the main driver of strong non-farm payrolls growth in recent months." The slowdown in employment and wage growth means a "soft landing", she said. "assuming CPI also shows a slowdown, the August rate cut may return to the market narrative." For now, the market expects the Fed to cut interest rates by 10 basis points at its August meeting, up from 7 basis points before the report. Therefore, it is clear that more data is needed to show the economic slowdown, especially the upcoming inflation data.

LPL Financial's Quincy Krosby said the employment report was lower than expected. However, from the market reaction, we can see that this is a welcome figure for the market. At present, the market very much wants the Fed to cut interest rates this year and does not want hot data. Today's report undoubtedly provides them with a calmer interpretation of the labor situation. Moreover, more importantly, the unemployment rate has risen slightly, indicating a cooling of the labour market. The reason this is important for the stock market is that the stock market is looking for any sign that inflation may start to fall as the labour market cools. Therefore, this is beneficial to the market.

'The market should not get carried away, 'said Ali Jaffery, an analyst at Imperial Commercial Bank of Canada. Fed policymakers want more than just a month of good data to feel more at ease about inflationary pressures in the job market. "overall, the labour market is still strong and they need to see more evidence that the economy is slowing or employment has unexpectedly fallen sharply before they worry about their employment tasks after such strong job growth." In the end, the Fed will sit tight until they have a clear understanding of inflation.

Jason Pride, head of investment strategy and research at Glenmede, said that from the Fed's point of view, the overall weakness of the data is really important, and the 3.9% unemployment rate is not catastrophic. This suggests that the economy has not fallen sharply, but it certainly shows that the labour market is looser. The Fed is looking for reliable data to extricate them from the long-term process of austerity. It is important to note that labour market reports are notoriously volatile, and what we see this month may be different from what we will see next month. This gives the Fed some hope, but it does not set a trend for them.